Monday, April 24, 2017


World War II Novels

We will be reading literature circles with several World War II novels. The choice of novels covers a wide variety of topics related to the World War II era: Holocaust survivors and victims, Nazis Germany, the attack on Pearl Harbor, Americans of Japanese Ancestry and internment camps, a the experience of an American soldier. on the beaches of Normandy, as well as the details surrounding the development and use of the atomic bomb.

The goals of our reading these novels are: to appreciate historical fiction and non-fiction, to understand different view points and experiences, to learn more about this time period and the key issues involved, and to discuss with other readers our questions and responses to the book.
By the end of your reading, you will work with other students in your class to define what makes a memorial. Then, you will create a memorial that honors a character or group from your book.

Your grade for this unit will be based on three things: regular participation in the blog, a culminating constructed response, and your final project. 

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