Book Preferences

COMMENT: What are your top two choices (list them in order of preference)? 

What about each book interested you or made you want to read it? 
Why does it sound like a good book?

RESPOND: Read through people's comments and respond to two. 
Have you read a book they chose? 
Do you have something in common? 
Do you have a question for them?  


  1. WWll We Were Heroes

    What I like about the book is that this person that made this book took real life things that actually happened and combined it all into one book that i think would be good to read

    Why I think this book sounds good is because it is wrote like a journal and also it is first person so it’s like you are the person that is in the war

    Boy at War

    What I like about the book is that it is a teen boy that is see the War for the first time and I don’t think he likes it very much

    Why is because it is in Hawaii and this teen boy will get his eyes wide open because of the war

    1. I also wanted to read We Were Heros because i liked how it like a journal to

    2. what do you mean "eyes wide open"?

    3. I also thought that the book looked good because it was written a journal and that is was written though that eyes of soldier in Normandy.

    4. The WWll We Were Heroes

    5. I also want to read the boy at war because I want to lean more about pearl harbor.

    6. I like the description you gave.

  2. We were Heroes sound like Code Talker and I read and owned the book before it was one of the best book I read.

    hidden girl sound like number the stars i really like that book and it was a very good for young readers

    1. I also found the We Were Heroes book an interesting book to read also because I heard of it before

    2. Why do you want to read We Were Heros if you already read it?

    3. You did not say why you want to read this book.

    4. The Hidden Girl

    5. Logan i did not say i read this book i read code talker

    6. Capitols that last sentences.

    7. Taylor I like Number The Star that how I feel about the Hidden Girl

  3. We Were Heroes got me interested by listing what happens in everyday and also because it sounds good by the boy fighting like his father and grandfather did in the war.
    The Hidden Girl got me interested by how her grandmother gave her away to a family and also how she had many different families and how they treated her.

    1. i also found We Were Heroes interested for how solders day by day

  4. - My top two choices for the 4 books selected to choose from, would have to be, “The Girl Who Survived.” As my first choice, and “Boy at War.” As my second choice.
    - “The Girl Who Survived.” Seems very educational about World War II and about the holocaust, the holocaust is one of my favorite things to learn about in History and I would love to learn more about the setting where the girl is in. It seems like a really good book based on the description and the time period. “Boy at War.” Seems fascinating and having Adam be a teenager seems interesting because of everyone else’s age in this grade, it would be fun to learn and read about a horrible situation and the character being around the readers age. This makes it a good book and also makes me wanna read it,

    1. Good choices, I really like how specific you are about the books you want to read. I also think the "Boy at War" would be a good book to read because Its from his point of view.

  5. 1). We Were Heroes because it is writing like a journal and it is the day by day of the war.
    2). The Girl Who Survived because I have read a book like this one about two kids in the war.

    1. This needs to have more detail put into it

  6. 1) The Hidden Girl

    2) The Girl who Survived

    The Hidden Girl because Lola’s grandmother risked her life to keep Lola safe.

    The Girl who Survived because the little girl was bringing food to her family when she was not aloud to.

  7. 1.)Boy at war
    2.)the girl who survived

    I was really interested in the books from a person who lived what happened but I didn’t want to choose a book that would make me cry. I wasn’t interested In We Were Heroes because I like to read books that have a story line to It. I also didn’t choose The Hidden girl because It just sounded very sad and I knew I would cry If read It because she was so little and alone. The last to books I was interested in was Boy at war because he wasn’t as young and it still talks about what happened to him, my second choice was The Girl Who survived.

    1. Why did you choose "The Girl Who Survived?" you didn't explain why it was your second choice but you explained the ones that you didn't pick.

    2. I didn't explain "The Girl Who Survived " because I felt the same way about the ( "Boy at War" ). Both the "Boy at War" and "The Girl Who Survived" seem like a good book to read, both books sound intriguing and adventurous.

  8. World War II notes
    First is Boy at War because I Read the first chapter and really liked it and then lost the book.

    Second is The Hidden Girl because I would want to know how and were they hide from the germans.
    Asa Milot

    1. exactly I understand. why and how are they hiding from the germans?

  9. We Were Heroes

    Boy At War

    I chose We Were Heroes because I don't really see books in journal form that often and i am interested in reading We Were Heroes because I want to read about D-Day. I want to see what people went through in d-day

    Boy At War because its about a boy seeing war for the first time and he has to watch his dads ship get hit and sink in the bombing of pearl harbor.

  10. WW2 novel

    1.The hidden girl.
    2.The girl who survived.

    these are both about the the holocaust and two girls who survived WW2 and had no parents at the time when they were sent way.

  11. The girl who survived

    The hidden girl

    The things that interested me was about the holocaust and i also wanted to learn more about it on how they survived or hid during this horrible time Why? These two books seem really interesting how lola’s grandmother just handed her off to some stranger who risked her life just to keep the other few children alive. Also the girl who survived how she was the few of her family to survive

  12. The Girl who survived. because of the holcrost.

    The Hidden Girl. because of the spanct

    1. This needs more detail and complete sentences

  13. 1 The Hidden Girl because i want to learn more about the characters in the book and learn more about whats going on in the book and whats being said and and i want to now how they did’t get caught while hiding and how the holocaust went

    2 We are Heroes what i like about the book is how to world war 2 played out and the different character with different traits also who are the characters in the book

  14. We Were Heroes; I like books that are mad with journal. and the story of haw it was for the people how was in the war.

    Boy at War;
    I like story of haw it was for that person in the war.

    1. Boy at war needs to be a complete sentence

  15. WWII We Were Heroes

    I like the way the book is described like the author took real life situations and put them into the book I would like to learn about D Day and I like how the author put it in journal everyday about what happened.

    A Boy At War

    I like how the author put real life situations like Pearl Harbor into a book I would like to learn more about Pearl Harbor and the situations that had happened in Hawaii and all that had happened in the war.
